The Diseases and Cure of “Money” and its “Inflation”

The cure is not digital currencies.

Find a PDF of a 6 pages document on this topic here please (It has the hyperlinks activated). And it’s been published by Veteran’s Today.

The front page of the document (below) summarises what’s in it.

The Diseases and Cure of “Money” and its “Inflation”

(Also find the ‘Challenge to the Lawfulness of Central Banking Legal Tender‘ which was sent to the Bank of England and others.)

Muad’Dib’s celebrated 77 Ripple Effect movie (3rd Ver) now out with Arabic subtitles

Was personally involved with the Arabic subtitles project, which are apparently very high quality Arabic.

The movie irrefutably proves that the 7th July 2005 London bombings were not carried out by the 4 falsely framed and accused Muslim patsies, who were murdered to silence them, along with Jean Charles DeMenezes who stumbled upon the pre-explosion evidence.

See who really perpetrated the murders – the 3rd version

3rd version with high quality Arabic subtitles 

Looks like the real perpetrators added their signature to the events: